Counselling FAQs

Counselling FAQs

helping you understand

what we're all about

What will happen when I enquire about counselling with you?

When you call us to make an enquiry about counselling we will take time to talk you through the whole process. Our Receptionist will offer you a date to attend an Initial Assessment Appointment; this is an opportunity for you share the issues that you would like to explore in counselling and to hear about the support we can offer you. Our Receptionist will need to take some basic information from you, including your name, address and telephone number in order that we can make and confirm the appointment and send you some important information to read before you attend.

What kind of counselling do you offer?

All of our counsellors work from a relational basis. This means that they will work with your agenda; we won't give you advice or tell you what to do but we will help you to determine the right way ahead for you.  Our counsellors are trained in a variety of theoretical approaches including Person Centred, Integrative and Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT). The Counselling Centre Manager will be able to explain this to you at your initial assessment appointment and to help you consider what might be most appropriate for you. 

Are your counsellors qualified?

All of our counsellors are qualified to a minimum of diploma level (equivalent to 4 years of training) and hold memberships with recognised professional bodies. Some of our counsellors are accredited; this means that their professional body has recognised their experience and level of expertise.  All of our counsellors are professionally supervised and are required to undertake a minimum amount of Continuing Professional Development (CPD) each year.

We occasionally have student counsellors working with us; they are in the final stages of their training during which they are required to work with clients. If the Counselling Centre Manager feels that it might be appropriate for you to receive counselling from a student she will discuss this with you at your initial assessment appointment. You are welcome to refuse this and ask to be seen by a qualified counsellor.

You are a Christian organisation - what does that mean?

Inspire is a Christian initiative and all our employees and volunteers are practicing Christians. We do not use a specifically Christian counselling approach and our counsellors will not discuss or raise issues of faith unless you wish to do so. However, we are well placed to incorporate that dimension into the counselling or listening should you choose to explore such matters.  It is important to note that we do not offer prayer ministry at Inspire and would suggest that you contact your local church if this is what you are looking for.

Isn't counselling for weak people?

We recognise that it takes a lot of courage to pick up the phone and ask for help. Accepting that you are having difficulties in life is one thing, but to acknowledge this and to reach out for help is strength not weakness.  It is ok to recognise that you are struggling and we know that, with the right support, it is possible to overcome or learn to deal with these difficulties. So don't be afraid to contact us; we'd love to help.

How long will counselling take?

There is no easy answer to this question. For many of our clients just a few sessions can be enough to help them work through issues or concerns that have been affecting them. For others the counselling process can take many months or even years. At Inspire we won't put a limit on the number of sessions that you can have. We will help you to consider how you will know when you have worked through your concerns and we trust that you will know when you are finished.

Once I have finished my counselling can I come back for more?

Our door is never closed... We recognise that sometimes clients need to end their counselling for a variety of practical and personal reasons, or because they feel that they have done the work they came to do. Old or new issues may rear their head again and you may decide to return to continue counselling, particularly if you found the experience to be a helpful one. We would be delighted to welcome you back for regular or one-off sessions; just contact us and we can discuss your options.

How confidential is the counselling you offer?

All the information that you share with your counsellor and at the initial assessment appointment will be treated as confidential. Confidentiality will only be broken in circumstances where your counsellor has concerns about your own or someone else's safety from harm or if your counsellor is made aware of serious illegal activity.  We will happily discuss this further with you when you attend your initial assessment appointment.

What if I don't feel that my counsellor is helping me?

If there are any issues that you are unhappy with we would suggest that you discuss these with your counsellor initially. However, we recognise that you may find this difficult and so would invite you to speak with the Counselling Centre Manager if this feels more appropriate. She will help you to explore other options and the best way forward for you.

What happens if I am finding my counselling too expensive?

We recognise that counselling is costly and that your circumstances may change, making it difficult for you to pay the fee that you originally agreed. We are happy to re-negotiate your sessional fee; all you need to do is contact the Counselling Centre Manager or ask to meet with her when you attend your next session. She will explore with you what might be a more manageable or realistic amount.

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